1GEN - A Social Innovation Startup on a mission to solve planet’s most complex challenges, using digital technology as a catalysts


A Social Innovation Startup on a mission to solve planet’s most complex challenges, using digital technology as a catalysts

Technical dominance infused with socially inclined solutions, is a dynamic amalgamation that has pioneered the business community with the impeccable innovative solutions. Proposing behemoth contribution by rendering meaningful digital solutions for the most pressing issues across the globe, 1GEN has intervened the IT sector with its exclusionary offerings. Intending to transform the world to be a better place to live, they are enabling the stories of hope to be dispensed far away for instigating social change.

1GEN is a social enterprise that has the prime motive of creating sustainable technological solutions to generate a positive impact across the world. Incorporated in the year 2018, its journey began by offering a broad spectrum of digital tools to the mission-driven organisations and NGOs who are striving to make this world a better place. The fortes of the company are converged on to influence the lives constructively. The horizons of their service offerings are not just encircled into the tech solutions, but also, into the social impact leadership, innovation academy, guiding the social entrepreneurs, and advising the leaders, etc.

1GEN is not only another IT company that renders tech solutions but its alignment towards the social causes is the key differentiator that allows it to ensure an edge over its peers. Furthermore, all the clients and customers associated with the Firm do not seek profits as the primary motive but are indulged into the social cause. The Organisation neither serves the corporations nor seek the high-number turnover, instead, the endeavours of the key officials are inclined towards serving the society in the best possible way. They translate impact into visual stories to engage and connect people to offer them a ray of hope!

For a significant period, the Co-Founders, Paul Singh and Pooja Monga assisted many megacorps to earn the benefits in their favour. They have served industries like Technology, Consultancy, Transportation, ConsumerGoods segment, Financial services, etc with their talented personas. Both the dignitaries have advanced degrees in Engineering and Business Administration and have a robust technical background in terms of career prospects.

Reminiscing upon the idea of inception, Mr Paul expounds, “About three years ago, while volunteering for a charitable organisation that serves the children with visual impairments, we both were hit by the wave of realisation. We acknowledged the enormous amount of joy along with peace in our hearts after serving those disabled children that stirred the inspiration within us to extend our helping hand to such people. We recognized that apart from money the world requires our services in the much grander scale which concluded in the incorporation of 1GEN and since then, there is no turning back!”.

Mr Paul states that there is a number of complex issues that need to be addressed in the present time such as malnutrition, poverty, gender inequality, poor education and healthcare facilities, etc. The United Nation has put forth around 17 sustainable development goals to deal with major social issues. In this context, the Organisation has envisioned to play an instrumental role in resonating with these proposed goals by the year 2030. Alongside this, they strive to empower the whole generation that is in schools and colleges with the technical tools to motivate them to generate a wave of positive change in the world.

Hailing from a technical background, both the Co-Founders and some of the core team members well acknowledge the significance of aligning with the technical advancements. With the exclusionary expertise of developing the huge technological systems, they constantly conduct experimentation to stay ahead of the curve it this regard.

To comprehend the power of technology, they keep juggling with it to invent innovative solutions. In true sense, 1GEN is not just syncing with the recent technology trends but actually developing their own, in the form of accessible platforms that can be utilized by the masses effortlessly. In regard to the framework, they are updated with the technological advancements to stay ahead of the curve.

There is a broad spectrum of innovative technical solutions that they are offering. But, Mr Paul elucidates that though they are an IT company, their aim is to be wellreckoned as a social innovating enterprise at the forefront. If any technical advancement fails to generate a positive impact on the lives of other people, there is no significance of such technological trend to them as well.

He further conveys that AI, Blockchain, cloud computing, etc have bestowed us with immense advantages to conduct the business operations effectively, but they need to stay in the low- track in this context. As to conduct the education program in any remote rural area, one first has to solve the challenge of having an access to the smartphones as well. So, they believe in leveraging the advancements in the technology front to solve a meaningful problem.

Miss Pooja states that there hasn’t been a single day when this arena has not contributed to the betterment of their business operations. It is the nature of their work! To create new solutions and put forth unique offerings, R&D plays a pivotal role. Mr Paul conveys that R&D is so much ingrained into their daily business operations that the team doesn’t even consider it as any specific activity to pay heed to. To him, this arena is in the DNA of the organisation that is responsible for the continuous innovation and improvement methods.

Different people perceive success in different ways. Both the Co-Founders view success from distinct perspectives. For Pooja, defining the term success is not a singlelined statement. She measures the success from various aspects- external, internal, professional and personal. For her, the personal evolution while walking this road has been a remarkable experience. In regard to the thought process or the leadership style, the dynamo finds the transformation in herself a success in itself. She conveys that if the world is acknowledging the inspiration you are dispensing around you, then you are definitely a success!

Miss Pooja conveys that their uniqueness lies in their operational model and core values. Expounding on this, she continues that one needs not to continue with the charity as businesses need profits for the proper execution of the operations. Even if an enterprise is a NonProfit Organisation, it must also focus on meaningful investments to expand its horizons. She states that the endeavours of an organisation must be converged on emerging as ‘social enterprise’ that can ensure a holistic growth in terms of sustainable development.

Pooja exemplifies that they have aligned their focus towards bringing a positive transformation in the world. Affirmatively, at the forefront, they intend to create value and impact in the world with their service offerings, but also, they believe to be enterprising in the business world as well to scale up the domain and continue to return benefits to this society.

Another aspect which is the key differentiator for this blooming enterprise is the ‘culture of innovation’. The Firm has been structured distinctly to resonate with its distinct endeavours. 1GEN is a group of young and passionate individuals who are catering to the mission of the company with full enthusiasm.

The teammates have the liberty to put forth their creative ideas and work in collaborative manner, at 1GEN they work tirelessly to avoid any silos! Neither the work report needs to be maintained nor there are any strict work hour implementations on anyone. Every individual associated with 1GEN takes conscious steps individually for serving the organisation and diligently work towards it. Management has ensured to thrive such a work culture that everyone shall be excited to come to the workstation that inspires every associated member to put his heart and soul into the actions.

perception for success is all about offering a beacon of hope to this desperate world. As the world is combating with the COVID-19 pandemic, our whining and complaining about the authorities or medical facilities will not ease the pain imposed by the crisis. Only our collaborative consciousness can help us combat with any type of complex issues in this world. He firmly believes that for his Organisation, success lies in being an indispensable part of solving the problems pertaining to society and being the reason behind providing hope to those in the dire need of help!

The Co-founders have inculcated such an ecosystem in their organisation that there no usage of the terms like ‘employees’ or ‘workforce’. Pooja affirms that the Company does not possess any typical employer-employee kind of work culture. Each individual associated with them is considered as a mutual partner that has aligned his goals towards the mission of the organisation. Every team member is passionate enough to serve the organisation in the best possible way.

Be it about offering education to the people from rural areas or bringing in the sanitation drive in Karnataka, all of their efforts are inclined towards community sustainable goals. The team members are free to serve the domain of their interests, that is the secret sauce of their incomparable productivity. Apart from this, the team associates are being paid well and on time that inspires them to exceed the market expectations.

Regular training sessions are ensured from the end of the management to keep the associates updated with the market trends. Every individual associated with the organisation is treated with mutual respect and all of them collectively conduct the business operations with ease.

In this regard, Mr Paul elucidates, “We never use the term ‘Human Resources’ for our team members. This term seems very transactional to us that is just based on offering the skills in exchange for paychecks. We have come together to offer the best-in-class solutions to the complex issues related to society, that requires intense brainstorming for prolonged hours. The individuals associated with us make sacrifices on the personal front to fulfil the project deadlines, owing to the inspiration instigated within them by us.

Our organisation is a creative space which is not only a great place to work, but also, offers tremendous career opportunities to our teammates to make the best out of their job profiles. We don’t believe in supervising the individuals or manage them by imposing the strict policies, rather we encourage engagement among them that has enhanced the productivity two times in comparison to any other organisation.

In terms of expanding their business in the near future, they would like to make significant offerings for all the 17 complex issues put forth by the UNO, that need to be exterminated from the world. They are planning to deal with the bigger challenges present across the horizon. By far, they haven’t served the issues like poverty, the refugee crisis, or adverse climatic changes. Additionally, they would like to be more focussed towards geographic expansion that has been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic at present.

Mr Paul aspires to extend the services in global regions like Africa, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. At present, their business model is inclined towards catering the technical solutions and binding people to the road of technology. To bring in more associates along their line of operation, they will be triggering the aspiration within the masses via inspirational movies, documentaries, or any other visual campaigns. For this, they will be investing heavily in this arena of great storytelling to generate more and more awareness about their goals.

1GEN has witnessed consistent growth within its two years of commencement. From a business perspective, they are revamping the graph by doubling their global revenue per year. As a budding enterprise, its growth in leaps and bounds is an achievement in itself, states Mr Paul. He further conveys that from 5 team members to 40+ team associates, it has been a phenomenal journey.

Their exponential growth is turning eyeballs of the business community to them. In terms of the positive impact that 1GEN has generated, Paul proudly expresses his joy that they have become the voice of the masses by offering online portals, applications, etc which is a significant accomplishment for the organisation.

For Pooja, to witness the evolution and affirmative change within the teammates is an accomplishment she can boast off! As a number of fresh graduates approach the Firm for internship program, the change they witness within themselves is quite life-changing. So, to sow the seed of building a better world within the fresh graduates/ youth is noteworthy attainment for both the dignitaries.

Mr Paul states that this start-up is his third dream venture in line and by now, he has acknowledged the fact that entrepreneurship is all about creating something out of nothing. Entrepreneurship is an idea that you sow in your mind and then you water it with your heart and soul to grow it as a fruitful tree. Even if one fails once, it is worth trying again! Over the years, business models can be reframed to adapt to the circumstances accordingly. But, what should trigger the zeal within you to forge ahead adamantly is the crystal clear answer to one elemental question Why am I doing this?

For Pooja, her entrepreneurial journey has taught her that the businesses can be in great synchrony with the environment if we are willing to cause less harm to this planet. It is possible to conduct a profitable business that doesn’t negatively impact the lives.

She conveys her absolute thoughts to the aspiring entrepreneur that though a business may be providing you multiple profits and benefits, it should never be a cause of grievance to anyone! Her idea of social entrepreneurship is to focus on the planet in the first place, then on the people and at last on the profits. She states that they constantly keep the team members in the touch of the philosophy that if one does good to others, then one may earn well effortlessly. This is the principle on which they make no compromise at all!


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