China today exports ~13k cars every day. Every freakin' day! 🤯🤯 Where India Stands ?

China today exports ~13k cars every day. Every freakin' day! 🤯🤯.

This is crazy. Cuz, till 2019, China never exported as many cars as India did in any given year.

And then suddenly gears shifted. So much so that in 2022, it became the world’s No.3 car exporter after Japan & Germany.

And so far in 2023, it has already toppled both to become the No.1! 👑👑

Here’s all you should know!


Car exports:

📈 ’19: China’s = India’s
📈 ’20: China's = 1.5x of India's
📈 ’21: China's = 2.1x of India's
📈 ’22: China's = 3.9x of India's

Mind it, this is not a case of India’s exports shrinking. Rather, a case of China’s exports growing exponentially 🚀🚀


Some might say that this is because Tesla set up shop there.

🔆 Yes, Tesla does make in China and export the cars to many nations globally

🔆 But, Tesla only accounted for 10% of China's total car exports in 2022. Just 10%!


And, China’s exports are only going to grow crazy faster going ahead.


Cuz, the future of of the industry is electric, and China is already the No.1 exporter of electric cars by a wide & expanding margin.

🔆 It exports 1.7x as many electric cars as Germany, and 10x as many as Japan does. Imagine this! Nobody even stands close!

🔆 Plus, electric cars make for 1/3rd of all cars exported by China in 2022. The proportion stands at 20% for Germany and mere 4% for Japan


And how did this happen? Multiple factors. But the biggest differentiator:

🔆 Chinese Govt invested $100bn to back over 600 electric car makers between 2010 and 2020

🔆 Most of them did not survive. But, the ones who did, just became wild big in no time, betting on scale and tech

No Govt globally has invested this big in this arena. None.

Result? They now sell more electric cars than anybody else- Via exports, and also within their country!


And where does India stand in this entire picture? Nowhere.

India’s the 5th largest car exporter in the world. But, in absolute numbers, in 2022, its car exports were,

1️⃣ 19% of Japan’s
2️⃣ 23% of Germany’s
3️⃣ 25% of China’s
4️⃣ 40% of US’

And if we talk of electric cars, India’s a nobody right now 📛📛


This is not to demean Indian car makers. Rather, this is more of a reality check.

📛 We often celebrate that we are the fastest-growing market for cars globally

📛 But, the nations that we aspire to become like, have already made a shift

If anything, we will be playing catch-up.


For perspective's sake:

China takes just 11 days to export as many electric cars as India's largest player Tata Motors today sells in a year.

And that’s sad.


What do you think? Also, did you know this?

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